[IMG] Choosing Methods in mental health research, mental Health Research from Theory to practice by Mike Slade, Stefan Priebe 315p
[IMG] Criminal Justice Research methods, theory and practice by Gerald J. Bayens, Cliff Roberson, crc press 284p
[IMG] Personality research, methods, and theory, A festschrift Hororing Donald W. Fiske by Patrick e. Shrout, Susan T. Fiske 386p
[IMG] Theory as method in research on Bourdieu, social theory and education by Mark Murphy, Cristina Costa 217p
[IMG] Handbook of Bowen family systems theory and research methods, a systems model for family research by Mignonette N. Keller, Robert J. Noone...
[IMG] Theory and methods for sociocultural research in science and engineering education by Gregory J. Kelly, Judith L. Green 299 pages
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