[IMG] Research methodologies in translation studies by Gabriela Saldanha, Sharon O'Brien 292p
[IMG] Introduction to research methods and Data Analysis in the Health Sciences by Gareth Hagger-Johnson 329p
[IMG] Handbook of Gerontology research methods, understanding successful aging by Leigh Riby 268p
[IMG] Visual, narrative and creative research methods, application, reflection and ethics by Dawn Mannay 163p
[IMG] Qualitative research methods in consumer psychology, ethnography and culture by Paul M. W. Hackett 352p
[IMG] Research methods in sport studies and sport management, a practical guide by A.J. Veal, Simon Darcy 617p
[IMG] Qualitative research methods for community development by Robert Mark Silverman, Kelly L. Patterson 139p
[IMG] Personality research, methods, and theory, A festschrift Hororing Donald W. Fiske by Patrick e. Shrout, Susan T. Fiske 386p
[IMG] Methodological Issues in aging research by Cindy s. Bergeman, Steven M. Boker 344p
[IMG] Issues and methods Rorschach research by John E. Exner 339p
[IMG] Research methods for English language teachers by Jo McDonough, Steven McDonough 273p
[IMG] Nursing & Health research skills, survival guide by Jeremy Jolley 73p
[IMG] research methods for forensic psychologists, a guide to completing your research project 303p
[IMG] The Routledge handbook of planning research methods by Elisabete A. Silva, Patsy Healey, Neil Harris, Pieter van den Broeck 572p
[IMG] Research methods for human resource management by Karin Sanders, Julie A. Cogin, Hugh T.J. Bainbridge 174p
[IMG] Advancing quantitative methods in second language research by Luke Plonsky 378p
[IMG] The Ashgate research companion to world Methodism by William Gibson, Peter Forsaith, Martin Wellings 5550p
[IMG] The Routledge encyclopedia of research methods in applied linguistics, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research by A. Mehdi...
[IMG] Theory as method in research on Bourdieu, social theory and education by Mark Murphy, Cristina Costa 217p
[IMG] Research methodology in the built environment, a selection of case studies by Vian Ahmed, Alex Opoku, Zeeshan Aziz 309p
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