Instructions for upgrading VIP accounts

Discussion in 'Instructions and Updates' started by ebook4u, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. karan lalwani

    karan lalwani New Member

    Hi I have paid for VIP but forgot to write +VIP after my name.
    admin likes this.
  2. admin

    admin Administrator

    Your account has been upgraded to VIP status and will be valid for 2 days. Thank you
  3. Nam yeongjoo

    Nam yeongjoo Member

    Hello, I made a payment to you through paypal. My name is Nam yeongjoo
    admin likes this.
  4. admin

    admin Administrator

    Your user has been set to vip account and we’ve sent you a message ! Please check!
    Thank you
  5. Jayden

    Jayden New Member

    Hi, I've made a payment for Jayden. Please check and upgrade. Thanks!
    admin likes this.
  6. admin

    admin Administrator

    Your user has been set to vip account and we’ve sent you a message ! Please check!
    Thank you
  7. hwerp dewrp

    hwerp dewrp Member

    hello, i've made a payment for hwerp dewrp.

    Please check and confirm. thank you
    admin likes this.
  8. admin

    admin Administrator

    Your account has been upgraded to VIP status and will be valid for 2 days. Thank you
    Your account has been upgraded to VIP status and will be valid for 2 days. Thank you
  9. Sujin Lee

    Sujin Lee New Member

    I have paid for 2 days VIP access. Please check.
    admin likes this.
  10. admin

    admin Administrator

    Upgraded your vip account. Please check message/email for more details! Thank you!
  11. Timm

    Timm New Member

    Timm paid
    admin likes this.
  12. admin

    admin Administrator

    Your account has been upgraded to VIP status and will be valid for 2 days. Thank you
  13. jb pingu

    jb pingu New Member

    Hello, I'd like to ask some questions
  14. Ji Song

    Ji Song Member

    Hi, I have paid for 2 days VIP access
    admin likes this.
  15. admin

    admin Administrator

    Your account has been upgraded to VIP status and will be valid for 2 days. Thank you
  16. ilhanayd

    ilhanayd New Member

    Hi, I've just made a payment now.
    admin likes this.
  17. admin

    admin Administrator

    We have upgraded your account to VIP status. You can get unlimited downloads for 2 days. Thank you

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